The KAVKAZ WEAR project is an open moderated project that unites designers who experiment with the theme of Caucasian identity. At first, we intended to create an online store for our own brand KAVKAZ, where the full line of the brand would be presented. But while we were writing a website, making Art markets and participating in fairs, we realized that we wanted to present to the world designers and productions that proudly bear the title "Made in the Caucasus".
Participation in our project is not limited to nationality or geography - only the national theme: Abkhazians, Abazins, Russian guys are already participating in the project.
We have several selection criteria: the designer experiments with the Caucasian theme (cut, ornament, symbol, including text or style), does it in a modern, high-quality way and is open to interaction with other designers and a new audience.
For all questions and suggestions, write to us.